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  2. Captive Portals

Azure AD OAuth

Configuration of OAuth with Azure Active Directory

This page provides instructions on how to configure your Azure Active Directory to allow Captive Portal authentication with OAuth.

  1. Navigate to https://portal.azure.com
  2. Go to Azure Active Directory submenu



3. Select the active directory you wish to use for SSO

4. Click on App Registrations > New registration



5. Enter the name for the new application, select type Web, and enter Sign-on URL enter(reply URL) - for example https://us-west1.ironwifi.com/api/signin/azure (update subdomain with the selected region or use splash for Global). 

6. Then click Register



7. Copy Application (client) ID



8. In the application settings panel, click on Certificates & secrets, then add a New client secret and enter a description and expiration time. Then simply click add.



Sign in to the IronWiFi console

  1. Click on Networks > Captive Portals and create a new Captive Portal. Then click on the newly created Captive Portal



2. Expand the Authentication Providers menu and click Add New



3. Select Social Login - OAuth 2.0, provider Azure

4. Paste copied Application-ID (Client ID) and Secret Key (Client Secret Value), then click create



 5. Scroll up and  test your Azure AD OAuth
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